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Busking Bye-laws

  • Sat 11 May, 2013

A report from Dublin City Council’s Events department will be presented to the City Council committee for the Arts, Culture, Leisure & Youth Affairs later this month. Dublin City BID has been lobbying for these regulations for some time now and they contain sensible recommendations relating to issues like the control of noise and amplification from street performers.

It was agreed that regulation through bye-laws was necessary and that the previous voluntary Code of Practice, although well-intentioned, had not been successful. Last year alone Dublin City BID received over 750 complaints from member businesses about excessive noise and disruption caused by a small number of uncooperative street performers

The City Councillors will be voting to put these new bye-laws out to public consultation, one of the last parts of the process before they are adopted. We would encourage any businesses affected by loud or problematic busking to lobby their local councillors about the issue. Contact details for City Councillors are available here