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Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Update – July

  • Mon 26 July, 2021

The Department of the Taoiseach

An overview of information on reopening for hospitality: Click here.

Information on the Digital COVID Certificate Checker: Click here.

Fáilte Ireland

Guidance for indoor hospitality: Click here.

Guidelines for re-opening restaurants and cafes: Click here.

National Standards Authority of Ireland

Shopping Centre Recovery and Protection Guide: Click here.

Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

One of the aspects in the revised Work Safely Protocol (WSP) published in May was a focus on increasing ventilation in the workplace.

The HSA has published a new checklist on ventilation as part of its suite of COVID-19 WSP templates and checklists for employers: Click here.

Work Placement Experience Programme

As outlined in the Pathways to Work Strategy, this 6-month, 30 hour per week voluntary work experience programme is for jobseekers: Click here.