Dublin City Council On-Street Queuing Guidelines
- Tue 02 June, 2020
Following several meetings with Dublin City Council, we have been informed of their queuing guidelines, which you will find below.
Dublin City Council recognises that retailers may need to restrict entry into their premises to ensure social distancing. Where demand to enter a premises exceeds the safe capacity of the premises, there will be a requirement to queue on the public pavement.
Retailers whose premises are giving rise to on-street queuing are asked to observe the following Guidelines:
- In general, members of the public should queue on the inside of the footpath immediately outside the retail unit with the queue not extending beyond the frontage of the retail unit.
- Dublin City Council will place queuing icons on the ground in the main pedestrianised streets in the City Centre and O’Connell St.
- Care should be taken by the retailer to ensure that appropriate social distancing is being observed in the on-street queue.
- Retailers can mark the pavement with removable stickers/decals to indicate the preferred location/direction of the queue and appropriate spacing.
- Queuing must not take place immediately outside the entrance to a premises or immediately outside a fire escape.
- Care should be exercised to ensure pavements are not blocked at any time and that the passage of pedestrians and in particular pedestrians with visual/mobility impairment is not impeded.
- Fixed or removable barriers are not to be used to control/manage on-street queues.
- Queues to different premises must not overlap.
- Where the available pavement space is insufficient to accommodate queuing demand, the retailer must take measures to prevent members of the public joining the queue.
- Retailers should consider operating on an appointment only basis, if possible, to assist the management of the City.
- Regard must be had to the need to maintain Fire Brigade access to the street at all times. (A minimum width of 3.5m is required for fire appliance access.)