DublinTown statement of payments 2008-2017
- Thu 15 March, 2018
In accordance with the Local Government (Business Improvement Districts) Act 2006 Dublin City Council issues invoices on behalf of DublinTown.
Please click here to view a table detailing the number of businesses that were invoiced; the percentage that fully paid their levy; the percentage that partially paid and the percentage that did not pay their levy for the years 2008- 2017 (inclusive).
Please Note:
This table reflects what happened on a year to year basis. It does not account for the businesses who paid subsequently in arrears and therefore does not fully reflect businesses who have payment plans with the Company. DublinTown is always happy to work with its members and agree payment terms that work best for all parties. Overall DublinTown’s collection rates have averaged in the region of 95% of funds available for collection. DublinTown is grateful to its members for this continued support.