DublinTown submission on proposed changes for North & South Quays
- Mon 10 April, 2017
As many businesses will be aware there were new traffic proposals out for consultation from Dublin City Council regarding proposed changes to traffic along the north and south Quays of the city. Eden Quay is one location that may be particularly impacted by these proposals as they would see this section of the Quays remain open only to buses, taxis and cyclists.
Numerous businesses expressed concern about the consequences that such proposals would have, while other concerns related to the proposed use of sections 37 and 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 to enact these changes and the lack of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposals. DublinTown has sought input from member businesses in relation to the proposals and has also engaged traffic consultants and legal expertise in the preparation of a detailed submission which was lodged earlier today with Dublin City Council.
The submission can be viewed here.
The traffic consultant report has been submitted as an appendix to the above report.