Luas Works – Molesworth Street

- Wed 22 October, 2014
Closure of Molesworth Street
To facilitate works required for the Luas Cross City Utilities contract on Dawson Street and Molesworth Street it will be necessary to change traffic movements in the area. For a period of 4 weeks from 3rd November, Molesworth Street between its junctions with Dawson Street and South Frederick Street will be closed to traffic. To facilitate access to Molesworth Street and the surrounding areas, Kildare Street will be made two way from St. Stephen’s Green North to Molesworth Street. Kildare Street will remain one-way southbound between Nassau Street and Molesworth Street. The following diversions will be put in place.
Click Here For Further Details On The Luas Works
Molesworth St. Closure – Traffic accessing Molesworth St. area from St. Stephen’s Green North
Traffic accessing Dawson Street (north of Molesworth Street) from Kildare Street
» Traffic on Kildare Street should continue straight on Kildare Street past the Molesworth Street junction
» At the next set of traffic lights turn left at St. Stephen’s Green North
» Continue straight through the next set of traffic lights onto Merrion Row
» At the next set of traffic lights turn right onto Ely Place
» At the next junction turn right onto Hume Street
» At the next set of traffic lights turn right onto St. Stephen’s Green East
» Turn left onto St. Stephen’s Green North and continue straight through the next set of traffic lights
» At the next set of traffic lights turn right onto Dawson Street
Molesworth St. Closure – Traffic accessing Dawson St. from Kildare St.
Traffic accessing the Molesworth Street area from St. Stephen’s Green North:
Traffic on St. Stephen’s Green North should turn right at the first set of traffic lights (at the Shelbourne Hotel) onto Kildare Street and either:
i. Turn left at the next junction onto Schoolhouse Lane (Dawson Car Park), or
ii. Turn left at the next set of traffic lights onto Molesworth Street
From Molesworth Street traffic can continue to access South Frederick Street and Setanta Place (Setanta Car Park)
Traffic accessing Nassau Street from Schoolhouse Lane / Molesworth Street should travel via South Frederick Street.
Traffic Diversion Signs will be in place for the duration of the works