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LUAS Works

  • Sat 23 February, 2013

As you may already be aware, Richard Guiney our CEO has been invited to join two important transport groups to represent your interests. The first is the Project Forum Group which is chaired by Minister Leo Varadkar and includes the CEO’s of the NTA, RPA and Dublin Bus along with business representatives and the Gardai.

The purpose of the group is to monitor the delivery of the Luas Cross City Project at a strategic level and to advise the Minister of any significant issues relating to traffic management affecting the scheme in the next few years.

The second group is Transport Projects Implementation Group which is chaired by the CEO of the National Transport Authority and which again brings together key stakeholders to discuss issues relevant to transport in the city.

Richard’s access to these groups as the representative of Dublin Businesses will be crucial in lobbying for the re-instatement of the northbound stop on Dawson St.

Here’s a quick breakdown of actions taken so far in relation to the Luas works

  • Preliminary meetings with the business community and RPA, such as the Mansion House meeting
  • Appointment of Engineer and Town planner. Their expertise was used in creating the enclosed submission
  • Richard Guiney being appointed to the two key transport groups mentioned above
  • Lobbying for a city centre marketing fund to be provided by the RPA/NTA to promote the city and affected areas during the works. Our marketing group has been identified as the appropriate channel for such a fund.
  • We are in the process of arranging updated briefings for the business community and the RPA shortly. We will be circulating information on this in the coming weeks.

BID will be on-street throughout the works and will be actively involved in dealing with any on-street problems that arise.

If any businesses have concerns please contact who is managing the communication on this matter.

Please see below for a link to our RPA submission.

Luas Submission