Northside: Public Realm Updates November 14th
- Tue 14 November, 2023
Updates on recent public realm works for the Northside of the city – November 14th.
Liffey Street (Upper and Lower)
Liffey Street Lower – Drainage gullies and connections have been
Liffey Street Upper – Paving on west footpath laid up to the main entrance at Marks & Spencer. Drainage channel has now been extended past the service entrance and carriageway sets are now being laid.
Liffey Street Lower continue reinstatement of carriageway and removal of all barriers, plant and material between SSG and Ormond Quay. This section of road to reopen to traffic from 17th November 2023.
Liffey Street Upper to continue paving along carriageway until 17th November. This section of the carriageway will remain closed until 1st December 2023 to allow sufficient curing time
- Temporary Loading Bays are available on Strand Street Great for deliveries.
- Tree #1916, located outside Woollen Mills on Liffey Street Lower, has suffered a catastrophic crown failure, and is to be duly removed in the near future
Christmas Period Arrangements
Street: Henry Street to south end of Arnotts
Timing and Duration: 17/11/23 – 08/01/24
Works: No Works. Re-open fully to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Street: South end of Arnotts to Middle Abbey Street (LUAS Line)
Timing and Duration: 01/12/23 – 08/01/24
Works: No Works. Note: Blue cement Silo and Contractor’s Welfare Cabin will be removed. Re-open fully to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Street: Middle Abbey Street to North Lotts At all times
Timing and Duration: At all times (…except when carriageway is re-surfaced – dates to be shared in due course.)
Works: Utilities and Paving – largely done now – except carriageway resurfacing and erection of Public Lighting.
Street: North Lotts to Strand Street Great
Timing and Duration: 17th Nov. 2023 – end January 2024
Works: Open all of Liffey Street Lower (to both pedestrians and vehicles) for the Christmas Period. Meanwhile, access to Strand Street Great will be limited to small vehicles during January 2024. Large vehicles to exit southwards to North Quays.
Capel Street
Public realm works are progressing well on Capel Street and the majority of these works will be complete by the end of November.
Early in the new year these works will be complemented by new planting and greening along the street.