Public Consultation on New College Green Traffic Plans
- Tue 12 April, 2016
The construction of the Luas extension will necessitate changes to other traffic movements in the city. As you may recall last summer a plan was published by Dublin City Council and the NTA outlining a series of traffic and transport proposals for the city centre with a specific focus on at College Green.
There followed an initial period of consultation and feedback. DublinTown and many member businesses made detailed submissions in relation to these proposals. Our principle objective has always been to maintain access to the city’s public car parks and also to the city’s hotels. Since that time that has been significant interaction between DublinTown together with other business groups and Dublin City Council & the National Transport Authority. Simultaneous to this other parties including the cycling lobby and other transport providers have also engaged with DCC & NTA.
Having considered the various submissions DCC & NTA have published a revised plan for the College Green area and this is now out for further public consultation.
We believe that the revised plan contains important modifications requested by the business community which are important in maintaining access throughout the city.
We strongly encourage members to read the proposals and make their submissions to by Tuesday 24th May 2016.
Should you wish to discuss these proposals with us please do not hesitate to contact either Richard or Gerry at 01-6334680.
You can view the full proposals here.