Retail Update from An Taoiseach

- Fri 05 June, 2020
As you may be aware An Taoiseach has made some significant changes to the phased reopening plans, we attach a copy of his statement.
We have highlighted those sections we believe to be of relevance to most members:
• All elements of Phase 2 reopening will be implemented from Monday June 8th.
• In addition, there is a consolidation of phased reopening which will now be completed by July 20th .
• All retail is now permitted to open from Monday June 8th 2020.
• Shopping centres can now open from June 15th .
• People (from Monday 8th) will be permitted to travel county wide.
• Retail businesses opening from June 8th are required to open after 10:30am at the earliest. DublinTown believes it may prove advantageous for members to open later to maintain their trading hours.
• Retailers are being asked to have dedicated trading hours for those over 70 or in an at-risk group.
• Reopening of hotels, restaurants and B&Bs will be permitted from June 29th.
• Bars with restaurant licences can also reopen from June 29th.
We are pleased to see that the consolidation of the reopening dates, as advocated by DublinTown has been agreed by Government. We will continue to advocate that all pubs are allowed open from June 29th.