St. Patrick’s Festival in Dublin: Information for Businesses

- Wed 21 February, 2024
St. Patrick’s Festival, the largest celebration of Irish Culture and Heritage in the world, returns to Dublin City Centre from the 15th to the 18th of March 2024. With 14 marching bands and 4,000 participants in the parade, it is is once again expected to be an extremely busy day in terms of footfall in the City Centre.
You can find out more information about the festival at the website:
If you have a related event that you would like listed on, upload your event details at this link.
The following information was sent by the Dublin City Council Planning Enforcement Manager/Outdoor Event Licencing Officer:
As was required for the last number of years for safety, all businesses at the locations listed below (and in particular those owners and managers in pubs, restaurants, cafés, coffee shops and convenience stores) are required to remove all street furniture and temporary outdoor structures at the above locations from the public realm on the 17th of March 2024 and should not be reinstated until the 18th of March 2024.
Locations: click here to see attached map and all areas marked in red.
- Parnell Square East/Outbound, O’Connell Street East/Outbound
- Westmoreland Street both sides of the street
- College Green/Dame Street both sides of the street
- Suffolk Street business side including behind the white wooden fence
- Dame Court, Dame Lane and South William Street both sides of street
- Lord Edward Street both sides of the street
- Patrick Street both sides of the street
- Kevin Street both sides of the street
- Entire Temple Bar Area, including Temple Bar Square within the following specific areas: Westmoreland Street to Parliament Street, Dame Street to the South Quays, including Temple Bar Square
This requirement is to facilitate safe movement and safe capacity for those coming into Dublin for both the parade and the busy festivities afterwards.
This is considered to be a critical safety requirement by St. Patrick’s Festival Organisers, Dublin City Council, An Garda Síochána and Dublin Fire Brigade.
This requirement is also to ensure emergency access can be maintained in the areas concerned.
Pubs/restaurants/cafes/coffee shops at the locations above and throughout the City Centre that are selling alcohol are requested to ensure that they have sufficient door staff working on the day to ensure that no alcohol bought on their premises is taken out onto the street for consumption.
If a drink is bought on your premises it must be consumed only on that premises.
There will be no on street drinking permitted on the day, insofar as can practically be enforced by An Garda Síochána. Businesses putting the required management arrangements in place will assist greatly in prevention and should lead to easier access to all businesses on the day.
As has always been the case in recent years where a parade has taken place, off-licences throughout the City should not sell alcohol on the 17th of March 2024 until after 4pm. This will also assist in the prevention of on street drinking and anti-social issues within the area.
As has been indicated previous, the above measures need to be put in place to ensure a safe City Centre area on St Patrick’s Day. Your cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and we hope you and your staff have a good and safe day trading on the 17th – and indeed across the entire extended weekend.