Statement from DublinTown on Medically Supervised Injection Centres
- Fri 10 February, 2017
In light of Councillor Mannix Flynn’s recent comments on the Tonight with Vincent Browne programme this week, DublinTown would like to again clarify its position in regards to Medically Supervised Injection Centres (MSIC).
Our position on Medically Supervised Injection Centres is well articulated. We are not convinced that they are the right solution for the city and we have asked for them to be piloted in mobile units. We do not believe it is right to place a MSIC in a business district.
During the Tonight with Vincent Browne programme broadcast on February 9th, 2017, Cllr Mannix Flynn incorrectly said we have lobbied for Medically Supervised Injection Centres – this is not true. As a previous board member, Cllr Flynn attended a board meeting where the company position was discussed and agreed. We are therefore at a loss to understand why he misrepresented it.
On October 18th, 2016 we posted a statement on our website outlining our position. This can be viewed on our website here