Submission on the Proposed Swiftway (BRT) Swords to City Centre line
- Fri 28 November, 2014
This is the DublinTown submission on the proposed Swiftway (BRT) Swords to City Centre line. Thank you to all businesses that provided their valuable input.
Dublin City Business Improvement District trading as Dublin Town, is pleased to make this submission on the proposed Dublin Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and in particular the Swords to City Centre Route. Dublin Town and its members are fully supportive of investment in an improved public transport infrastructure for Dublin. Almost 80% of people visiting Dublin City Centre use modes of transport other than the motor car. This is in contrast to our competitor locations where almost 80% of patrons travel by motor car. It is therefore, in the interests of Dublin city centre that more people opt for sustainable modes of transport including public transport, walking and cycling. International trends would give us hope for optimism that the shift towards these sustainable modes of transport will gather pace.
Dublin Town fully acknowledge the potential benefits of BRT for Dublin as a means of enhancing bus transport in the short to medium term, however we would consider a rail option from Swords and the airport as a necessary long-term requirement, and interim options to deliver this important infrastructure must be explored. It is also important for the city at this early stage of the scheme design, and we ensure the optimum transport solution can be achieved, and that the preferred route proposed is best for Dublin’s city businesses.