Temporary Alterations to Dawson St, Anne Street Sth, Duke St and Duke Lane

- Mon 27 March, 2017
Temporary alterations to traffic along Dawson Street, Anne Street South, Duke Street and Duke lane have been put in place to facilitate the next phase of Luas Cross City works.
For this project there is phased traffic management systems in place in the area for approximately 8 weeks. The first phase started last week on March 20th, 2017. This phase included site set up from Joshua Lane to Anne Street South. From March 27th, Anne Street South will be blocked at the Dawson Street junction, alternative access is as follows:
»» Vehicles travelling up Dawson Street to turn left onto Duke Street
»» There will be a set of temporary signals at the junction with Duke Lane to control the traffic flow
»» At the end of Duke Lane turn right or left onto Anne Street South
Please note: From 27 March traffic exiting Anne Street South will be able to reach Dawson Street by returning back down Duke Lane (when signalled to do so) and turning right onto Duke Street before turning left onto Dawson Street.
Access to Anne’s Lane will be restricted to “Local access only” and will be monitored.
For all information please click the following link: https://www.luascrosscity.ie/news/upcoming-temporary-alterations-traffic-dawson-street-anne-street-south-duke-street-duke-lane/