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Update on the Government’s budget day measures

  • Tue 27 September, 2022

As you will be aware, DublinTown made a detailed pre-budget submission based on member feedback ahead of this year’s budget announcement.

You can read the pre-budget submission by clicking here.

The full suite of measures introduced by the Government today can be read on the Department of Finance website by clicking here.

There is also a synopsis available by clicking here.

Of key interest to members will likely be those measure that directly impact business in the city, such as:

  • A new “Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme” to assist businesses with energy costs.
  • The retention of the 9% VAT rate for hospitality businesses until March 1st 2023.
  • A reduction of Special Exemption Order for hospitality businesses from €110 to €55.
  • Significant investment in infrastructure including the BusConnects, Metrolink and DART+ projects.
  • Budget for 1,000 additional Gardaí and an additional 420 civilian staff as well as increases in overtime budgets.
  • Retaining the reduced fees on public transport for all of 2023.

DublinTown will continue to lobby and advocate on your behalf.